I am a digital artist, an amateur photographer, and a poet. I was born in the city of Haarlem in the Netherlands and trained as a scientist. I spent my working life in the development of scientific instruments but am now retired. I made my home in the UK in the early eighties and have lived in Kenilworth in Warwickshire since 1990.
I took my first photographs in the mid sixties using a Kodak box camera. I have been taking pictures one way or another ever since. Initially I used 35 mm black and white and colour negative film, developing and printing in my own dark room; later-on I also embraced colour slides. Since about 2005 my photography is exclusively digital. Look under Photography for some of my favourite photographs.
Whereas analogue photos are developed in a dark room, digital photos are processed on a computer. This offers many opportunities to alter the recorded image and recently I have ventured into the realm of digital art. For this I apply a variety of processing tools, including geometric re-mapping algorithms, to digital photographs in order to produce abstract images. You'll find these under Digital Art.
With regard to my poetry, I wrote my first poems (in Dutch) as a teenager and continued to write for well over a decade until my muse decided to go into hibernation. At the beginning of the twenty-first century I rediscovered my drive to write, now adopting English as the vehicle for my work. A few more or less themed collections are compiled on the Poetry page.
Background stories to some of the things I do you I place in my Blog. And if you want to buy prints of my images you’ll find a link to my Shop. If you like what you find here, please come back from time to time to check out the latest. Or even better, select Contact to subscribe to my newsletter and get an e-mail when I publish new material. And please leave comments; I welcome any feedback.
Finally, you can find me on instagram by clicking the instagram logo below (for my digital art) or by going to @joostlohmanpoetry or @joostlohman.